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How do I create a glossary in a language (eg Ngombale- NLA) which is not on your default list of languages?

Dear TermWiki, As a lecturer of Translation and Terminology in the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI), University of Buea, Cameroon, I find it impossible to use the wonderful TermWiki platform to create glossaries involving native Cameroonian languages (there are 285 of them, a real investment opportunity). The same is true of most other African languages... We (as a language committee) have, however, succeeded in showing that it is possible to simplify the Ngombale (Mbafung) alphabet with an exclusive use of typical Latin symbols in writing the language (see https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ngeombale-Mbafeung/140705909343211?sk=notes and https://www.facebook.com/ngeombalembafeung.mbasengembaso) while remaining scientifically coherent. One of the main obstacles to the development of content in many African languages remains the use of non convergent scripts when compared to the dominant language of the national setting (for further details on this, see http://metaglossia21.blogspot.com/2013/03/about-professional-writing-and.html). As a member of staff in ASTI, I am ready and willing to help the TermWiki experience to expand beyond the currently offered languages by exploring the simplified alphabet which, by the way, is applicable to tens of other Cameroonian languages. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Charles Tiayon
  • Nozare/domēns: Language
  • Category:
  • Created: 16:56, 18 October 2013

Answers (2)


Hope to hear from you soon.

11:22, 31 October 2013


Very good question Charles. As there are hundreds of languages within countries in Africa, this would be an large project to do but EXCITING! (As I am Zimbabwean). Creating a language which is not in our default language list will require coding. Which language do you recommend we start with?

11:10, 31 October 2013

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